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Air Gapped Kubernetes Install with Kubekey and Harbor

We will be simulating an Kubernetes install with QEMU and Libvirt and use Harbor to cache container images. We will have 4 VM’s for this job harbor: This machine will hold a Harbor instance to proxy our kubernetes image pull requests. control-panel: This machine will hold control panel for our kubernetes instance. worker-1 and worker-2: This machines will be our Kubernetes workers. First install libvirt, virt-install and qemu. The exact command might differ from system to system....

January 21, 2025 · 4 min · 836 words · Eren Eroğlu

Using Harbor as Container Image Cache for Kubernetes

We will be simulating an Kubernetes install with QEMU and Libvirt and use Harbor to cache container images. We will have 4 VM’s for this job harbor: This machine will hold a Harbor instance to proxy our kubernetes image pull requests. control-panel: This machine will hold control panel for our kubernetes instance. worker-1 and worker-2: This machines will be our Kubernetes workers. First install libvirt, virt-install and qemu. The exact command might differ from system to system....

January 21, 2025 · 4 min · 717 words · Eren Eroğlu

Generating Background Images with ImageMagick

Generating Background Images with ImageMagick Requirements ImageMagick Image Pattern You can draw it yourself or download one from a website like Subtle Patterns Generating image For this purpose imagemagick’s tile option fits our needs. Use the following command: magick -size {RESOLUTION} tile:{YOUR PATTERN} {OUTPUT FILE} Resolution should be width x height (for example 1920x1080) and pattern should be a valid image file. It is that simple.

December 17, 2024 · 1 min · 66 words · Eren Eroğlu

Using Barebones ESP-ID with Microros

Using Barebones ESP-ID with Microros Requirements ROS2 Docker (for running micro ROS on host) Setting Up IDF In order to setup IDF you first have to install its prerequisets. Use following command for Ubuntu and Debian (taken from official IDF documentation): sudo apt-get install git wget flex bison gperf python3 python3-pip python3-venv cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util libusb-1.0-0 Next create a directory to install IDF (prefeberably accessible by you unpriviledged user) and clone the ESP-IDF repository:...

December 4, 2024 · 2 min · 364 words · Eren Eroğlu

Using ROS2 and Platform IO on ESP32

Introduction Requirements ROS2 Platform IO Core Docker (for running micro ROS on host) Setting up a platformio project Firstly create a platform io project for your board with pio project init -b esp32dev -d (PROJECT DIRECTORY) if you have a different board, you can check available boards with pio boards. Adding microROS Firstly specifly your ROS distribution by adding following lines to platformio.ini located at the root of your project:...

November 20, 2024 · 2 min · 389 words · Eren Eroğlu